Freelance SEO Copywriters

Who are we? We don’t really know because we’re both going through different stages of overlapping existential crises. What we do know is that we are a two-person crack team of talented freelance SEO copywriters who specialise in producing compelling online content.

We’ve written for a plethora of brands and businesses both big and small, including John Lewis, ASICS, QuickBooks, Expedia, KPMG, Under Armour and Knight Frank. You can take a look at a small, succulent sample of our work in our copywriting portfolio and get in touch via our contact page. Go on, we don’t bite...

A picture of Nathan - A freelance SEO copywriter at To Your Heart's Content


Nathan has worked as a freelance copywriter at To Your Heart's Content for nine years after making the move from newspaper journalism and an in-house copywriting role. He enjoys long spells of warm weather, recounting endless tales of his failed football career and throwing consistently bad darts.


Coming soon!

Talk to us about your content writing requirements today.