Sage Copywriting Advice
What Does a Copywriter Do All Day?
Ever wondered what a copywriter does all day? Perhaps you’re thinking of pursuing a career as a copywriter or simply want to feel a bit better about your own life? Whichever is true for you, I thought I’d take half an hour out of my day to enlighten you. So here, with a little zhuzhing…
Read MoreThe Copywriting Process: How Does it Work?
Following on from last week’s blog about finding a good copywriter, we thought we’d shed some light on the copywriting process and how it all works here at To Your Heart’s Content. If you’re new to the world of outsourced copywriting or have not worked with our team before, these are some of the questions…
Read MoreHow To Find A Good Copywriter
Not sure how to find a good copywriter? I have the same problem with plumbers. When your toilet is on the blink, as mine merrily is, I can’t help thinking that the plumber I eventually call will charge me a fortune for a five-minute job, either to punish me for being too stupid to perform…
Read MoreHow A Few Long-Tail Keywords Can Go A Long Way
Purple teapot. Purple teapots. Purple Teapots Arbroath. Purple Teapots in Arbroath. Depending on how much you like purple teapots and the town of Arbroath, head term keywords can be a bit dull. Yes, these broad terms are crucially important to your website’s performance in the search engine rankings, but they’re not the be-all and end-all.…
Read MoreWhy Cheap Copywriting Services are a False Economy
Cheap copywriting services are a false economy. That’s a fact. Why? Well, please let us explain… There are some things in life it’s a good idea to scrimp on. Growing your own vegetables will save you a pretty penny, turning down the thermostat and popping on a nice warm jumper will save you pounds come…
Read MoreHow to Write an SEO Article, and Frankly, Why Bother?
Not sure how to write an SEO article? Well, now’s a great time to learn. In this post-COVID world, pushing a trolley mindlessly around Morrisons shouting “eggs! EGGS!” as you go, and hauling your gelatinous body around the block is about as good at it gets. You could argue that getting drunk in front of…
Read MoreWhy We’re (Probably) The Best Copywriting Agency In The World
Here at To Your Heart’s Content, we like to have the occasional glance over at a few other copywriting agencies just to see what they’re up to. After all, Sun Tzu, the famed Chinese military strategist and author of The Art of War (it’s mandatory reading for all copywriters), said: “Know your enemy and know…
Read MoreHow to Find Quality Blog Images For Less
There are endless listicles out there cataloging the good, the bad and the just plain stupid of the stock imagery world, but there’s very little in the way of practical advice for those of us who want to find original, high-quality blog images without having to remortgage our house. Adding good quality images to your…
Read MoreDitch the Cookie Cutter & Create Clever Online Content
Call us hypocrites, but we’re tired of reading generic ‘How Tos’ such as ‘4 Ways to Get a Good Deal on an X’. And it looks like much of the internet feels the same. If your online audience is into patchy puff pieces, more power to you – but pumping out this type of cookie-cutter…
Read More9 Ways to Write a Listicle that gets Clicked the Cr*p Out of
Today, I’m going to blow your minds with some genuinely good tips on how to write an excellent listicle (list+article), nine tips, in fact, in list form. I think you see where this is going… 1. DON’T HATE THE PLAYER, HATE THE GAME It’s easy to be scornful of the humble listicle. They’re usually frivolous,…
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